Monthly Promotional Price
200₴Monthly regular Price
250₴Connection cost
0₴Promotional period (month)
3Promotion activation dates
from 01-07-2024 to 31-12-2024Number of TV channels
376The amount of mobile traffic (Mb)
17000Internet speed
up to 100 Mbit/sFor whom
For homeConnectivity technology
FTTx/Ethernet, IPTV/ОТТ/Smart/WebConnection type
WiredConnection Location
6,67 UAH / day approximate cost; For new Home Internet subscribers only7 days subscription
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Estimated cost - the average cost of services for a tariff plan for 1 day, intended to facilitate comparison by consumers of the conditions of different tariff plans. For the calculation, see here
The indicative cost is the average cost of the services for the tariff plan/ package of services for 1 day, which is calculated by dividing the set amount of payment for the tariff plan/ package of services for the relevant period by the duration of this period in days. If the fee period for such services is one month, the approximate cost is calculated by dividing the plan/package fee by 30 days. The result of the division is rounded to pennies.