Monthly regular Price
200₴Connection cost
0₴Number of TV channels
0The amount of mobile traffic (Mb)
0Internet speed
up to 100 Mbit/sFor whom
For homeConnectivity technology
FTTx/EthernetConnection type
WiredConnection Location
6,67 UAH / day approximate cost7 days subscription
It’s easy to connect!
Are you looking for reliable and fast Internet for your apartment? Then the Internet tariff plan from Vega is exactly what you need! This offer not only meets your needs for fast Internet access, but is also very beneficial for your wallet. One of the main advantages of this tariff plan is its cost - namely, 0 UAH for connection. You can get access to extremely fast Internet without any additional costs. The Internet access speed is up to 100 Mbps, and you don't need to worry about traffic limits. You can enjoy a lot of web pages, streaming videos and other online resources without limiting yourself to anything. If you want to be able to connect multiple devices at the same time or create a wireless network in your home, you will need additional equipment - a wifi router. However, don't worry, any router that supports speeds up to 100 Mbps will be suitable for this tariff plan. If you don't want to buy a router, you can also rent one from Vega for a nominal fee of 50 UAH/month. This is a convenient option that will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of a wireless connection without having to spend money on equipment. Thus, the Internet for Apartments tariff plan from Vega is an ideal solution for those looking for fast, reliable and affordable Internet. Don't spend money on connection and enjoy a variety of online opportunities at speeds up to 100 Mbps. Order a connection from Vega today and enjoy reliable Internet in your apartment. Vega's SuperConnect FTTB is a high-speed and reliable Internet connection that delivers high speed data transmission via optical fiber directly to your building. This technology provides stable and fast Internet access, making it an ideal choice for home users and businesses that require a reliable connection. SuperConnect FTTB features low ping, which allows you to play online games and stream videos without delays or freezes. This service also provides an opportunity to enjoy high-quality interactive TV and telephony over the Internet. Vega's SuperConnect FTTB is a reliable and high-speed solution for those who value high quality connections and uninterrupted access to the digital world.
Estimated cost - the average cost of services for a tariff plan for 1 day, intended to facilitate comparison by consumers of the conditions of different tariff plans. For the calculation, see here
The indicative cost is the average cost of the services for the tariff plan/ package of services for 1 day, which is calculated by dividing the set amount of payment for the tariff plan/ package of services for the relevant period by the duration of this period in days. If the fee period for such services is one month, the approximate cost is calculated by dividing the plan/package fee by 30 days. The result of the division is rounded to pennies.